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How to design multi-responsive water/water emulsions?

Lectures and Seminars
12:30 pm


Prof. Lazhar Benyahia

Chemical Engineering Department

Emulsions are widely used in a variety of applications. Indeed, mixing liquids or polymers is a well-known but challenging method for obtaining new materials with combined and enhanced properties. We have recently demonstrated that water/water emulsions can be stabilized by particles to form an interesting new class of Pickering emulsions, making them potential candidates for food, cosmetic or pharmaceutical applications, for example.

Initially, this talk will review the interesting features of these particle-stabilized emulsions, as well as some fundamental issues recently revealed. Next, we present a strategy for making them sensitive to multiple stimuli using microgels based on bis-hydrophilic polymers.

Speaker: Prof. Lazhar Benyahia

Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans
Le Mans Université
Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085

After an engineer degree from ENSAM (École National Superieure des Arts et Métiers), Dr. Lazhar BENYAHIA obtained his PhD from Grenoble University. At the end of 1995, he joined the University of Le Mans for 3 years as a postdoc, before being recruited in 1998 as an assistant professor and finally becoming a full professor in 2008.

His research activities focus mainly on the physics and physical chemistry of soft matter with a special interest to polymeric systems. I have supervised 8 postdocs and 21 docs. His research focuses mainly on the physics and physical chemistry of soft matter with special consideration of the dynamic of complex systems under deformation at mesoscopic scales.

His work has led to 111 publications, 4 book chapters and 4 patents. These were achieved by leading a number of research programs financed by the French and foreigner governments or industries.

During His academic career, he have held a number of management positions, such as deputy director of IMMM, leadership of PCI group, president of the French Group of Rheology (GFR), etc. He has also set up and managed several graduate programs.