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Pothole Patcher: Advanced Pothole Repair Mechanism - ME459 Project Presentation (Dr. AlAwadhi)

Lectures and Seminars
03:00 pm
S01-E2 202


Mohammed Idrees, Ghanima Khazaal, Mariam Sakeen, Talal Menahy, Ahmed Ads

Mechanical Engineering Department

This project outlines the development and implementation of a device designed to fill potholes in roads. The device aims to address this issue by providing an efficient solution for pothole repair, completing the process within just 7 minutes. The pothole repair device is a manually operated cart deployed on streets. Upon finding a pothole, the operator utilizes a drill mounted on the cart to create a circular hole. The system extracts debris with a vacuum pump, clearing space for a cylindrical plate to fill the pothole. Throughout the project lifecycle, from initial design to prototyping, testing, and optimization, meticulous attention is paid to achieving the project objectives within an allocated budget of 2000KD. Each stage is carefully executed to ensure the device's functionality, reliability, and effectiveness in addressing the challenges posed by potholes on roadways.

Supervisor: Dr. Abdulaziz Alawadhi

Semester: Spring 2024